Challenges that occur every day from finances to illness to loss can trigger feelings of depression that can be making you feel less like yourself. Use the suggestions below to address adjustment disorder also frequently called situational depression and regain a positive outlook on your life.
Coping with Adjustment Disorder
Always see your doctor if you’re not feeling like yourself to be certain there is not a physical reason for your depression such as illness. If you feel particularly unhappy or you’re having thoughts of suicide, please go to a hospital emergency room for immediate treatment.
Don’t try to talk yourself out of your reaction to the situation you believe is causing your depression by telling yourself it’s not so serious. First of all, it’s serious enough to be producing a depressed feeling in you. Second, you might be incorrect about the specific situation that is bothering you.
Figure out how you can maintain the basics of your life even though you might not feel like doing much. Make certain that your income is protected, your bills are being paid and that you’re taking care of essential life functions such as eating and bathing. If you are not able to take care of these functions, try to figure out who can help or how you can help to get these functions addressed.
Avoid thinking that you recognize as denial or thinking about the worst that can happen because both of these are imaginary and will not help you resolve the problematic situation. Instead brainstorm about solutions with those you know or by yourself.
Decide to take one action each day in accordance with your ideas for solving your situational challenge and give yourself a deadline for determining whether your approach is working.
If you find yourself spending hours a day talking to someone about how bad you’re feeling, try to wean yourself off the conversations and substitute an activity for at least some of that time. Choose an essential activity, such as preparing yourself meals that will focus your attention on accomplishing a specific goal.
If fatigue is one of your symptoms of depression take at least one of your rests during the day outside in a chair so that you can look around at something different from the inside of your home.
Try thinking about one thing that you liked about each day when you go to sleep at night. Begin focusing your thoughts on what went right in a particular day and what you were thankful for in a particular day. Keep trying to expand your list of things you liked about the day if you’re having trouble falling asleep.
Try taking a walk every day and building up to an exercise routine. Exercise is good for your body and frequently will also improve your outlook and mood.
Finding what works for you in relieving feelings of depression from life’s ups and downs can be a big step if you are suffering from adjustment disorder. Use the suggestions above to take control of your life and overcome feelings of situational depression.