If you suffer from depression, it is important to carefully weigh all of the available options when developing a treatment plan. Although medication can help, many people opt for a more natural route, choosing instead to treat depression through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. If you decide to forgo medication in favor of a natural approach, the following tips on treat depression can help you feel more like yourself again.
How to Treat Depression With Diet
Studies have shown that exercise is highly effective at reducing or eliminating the symptoms of depression. The simple act of exercising causes your brain to release so-called “feel good” chemicals that instantly lift your mood. At the same time, exercise can provide an outlet for your negative feelings as well as a welcome distraction from troubling thoughts. Not only that, but it can help you meet new people and improve your confidence. continue reading this articles tips to treat depression.
If the thought of exercise makes you cringe, take heart. There is no need to run a marathon or train for hours on end to realize significant benefits. Instead, increasing your daily activity level by doing things you enjoy such as taking a walk, working in your garden or hiking can still give your mood a significant boost. The key is to find enjoyable ways to keep moving. Make sure to choose an activity that you love so that you can stick with it for a long time to come.
Along with exercise, it is important to take a good look at your diet. If you aren’t feeding your body the right kind of fuel, it decreases your ability to cope with stress and day to day life. Spend some time studying the USDA food pyramid to learn how to eat a healthy, balance diet. Focus on choosing foods that will provide your body with the high quality nutrients that it needs to help you feel healthy, strong and mentally alert.
Steps to Treat Depression without Drugs
Avoid high calorie foods that have little to no nutritional value such as candy or junk food. Although these foods may temporarily boost your mood, they don’t provide your body with the building-blocks it needs to maintain a healthy, happy outlook on life. Instead, eat plenty of good carbs, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, nuts and whole grains. If necessary, consider consulting with a dietician to develop a healthy eating plan that you can maintain for years to come.
Finally, make sure you are getting plenty of sunshine and outdoor activity. Some recent studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and depression. The main way that our bodies produce vitamin D is from sunlight. Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the sun to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. During the winter months, consider taking a vitamin D supplement to avoid becoming deficient.
In closing, with careful attention to your diet and lifestyle, it is possible to treat depression without medication. By focusing on your overall health, increasing your activity level and making sure your body is getting the nutrition it needs, you can regain a happier, more positive outlook on life. As always, use common sense. If you find that diet and exercise changes alone are not giving you the results you want, don’t hesitate to contact a qualified health professional to discuss the various medication options that are available to you.