Depression is a very serious illness that affects millions of people from around the globe, but there are also a lot of myths associated with this infliction that lead people to think the worst about it. Before you attempt to tackle depression, you first have to be able to separate fact from fiction. Here is some information explaining a little bit about depression myths.
The Myths of the Great Depression
Some people insist that feeling a little down in the dumps is a sign of depression. This is because the word “depression” is thrown around very loosely in today’s climate. Feeling a little blue is considered being depressed by a slew of people who haven’t the faintest idea of what they’re talking about. So if you’re feeling a little down, don’t necess
arily mistake this for being depressed.
Depression also carries with it a damaging stigma. Those suffering from this condition are thought of as weaker people or as if they have some inherent personality defect. Nothing could be further from the truth. There’s nothing “weak” about dealing with chemical imbalances and potential genetic markers that affect your mood.
To throw depression in the same category as something like schizophrenia is an outright insult to anyone who has ever dealt with depression. It is in no way a type of psychosis, so if someone tries to sell you that load of garbage, you should reject it instantly. They’re not even on the same planet.
Another common situation confused with depression is stress. Feeling stressed out can definitely make you feel depressed, but “feeling” depressed and actually being depressed are light years apart. It’s like feeling a stomach cramp and assuming you have cancer. Stress and depression are not the same thing.
Myths About Depression Treatments
The lion’s share of depression cases diagnosed are thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. These imbalances happen due to any one of a wide number of variables, but most do share one thing in common in that they will not go away without help. And even if they do, they will only come back unless treated professionally.
This is another myths of depression. Depression is a medical condition that can be treated by a doctor. It’s not a personality flaw or weakness due to laziness or lack of caring by a patient.
The more research that comes out dealing with depression, the more it’s becoming clear that some genetic markers may make an individual more susceptible to the affects of depression. However, there is no solid evidence at all to suggest that depression is inherited.
Some people with depression are treated like lepers or as if they have a serious disability. There is no wheelchair ramp equivalent for those suffering from depression. In other words, no special treatment needs to be given out. In fact, treating someone with depression differently may make them feel ostracized and can even make their depression worse. So treating them with special favor is a bad idea.
The more the average person knows about depression myths, the better equipped they are to deal with it if they or someone they know happens to suffer from it. But there’s only so much that knowledge on the subject is going to get you. Use these tips as needed, but always seek professional help for your depression symptoms.